Event Type
This event is hosted by the South Burnett rail Trail Users Association in conjunction with the South Burnett Mountain Bike Club. We will meet at the Wondai Regional Art Gallery at 8:30am for a roll off soon afterwards. We will be riding to Wooroolin and return. This is a total distance of 27kms, you can ride the whole distance or part there of.
When we arrive in Wooroolin the Wooroolin CWA will have cake and a cup of tea ready (bring some cash for this). Farm to Fork will be open for a browse as will the Butcher’s Café if you need a cappuccino.
From Wooroolin it is a downhill cruise back into Wondai. The cost of the tickets covers a sausage Sizzle and a cold drink when you return to finish at the Wondai regional Art Gallery. All money raised goes to promoting and developing our wonderful Rail Trail.
Make sure you bring water, sun screen and maybe a spare tube would be a good idea, just in case.